013 1951 Halidon SA CE3/4
A Mrs A was out rounding up cattle when she came across a landed object resting on legs. Three male figures emerged and floated to the ground. They were of normal human appearance, wearing silver suits, silver boots and a hood over their heads. She was taken willingly into the object into a room where there were what today would be called computer consoles. The beings communicated with her verbally and told her things about herself they should not have known. She was then returned to the ground. (Personal investigation-K. Basterfield 1995.)
034 1955 Adelaide SA CE4
A 10 year old girl, Janet X, was being treated for a slight nervous disorder. Whilst under hypnosis she spontaneously recounted a story of her interaction with aliens and a flying saucer. Whilst in trance she spoke of being in a saucer with three "men", and of visiting a planet with an advanced society. (1. Chibbett, H. S. W. (1969). "UFOs and Parapsychology." Flying Saucer Review Special Issue 3. pp33-38. 2. Interview between Pony Godic and original investigator Peter Thomas in 1989.)
035 1955 Near Eucla WA/SA border CE3/photo
Three young men returned to Melbourne with what they said was the picture of an entity. They said they saw a shiny object fall to the ground. After searching they found jagged pieces of shining metal and saw a moving figure fifty metres away. It was said to resemble a frog from the back and semi-human from the front. It had a green cloak hanging to just below the knees. Its feet and hands were armour plated. After photos were taken the thing just disintegrated before their eyes. ("Daily Telegraph" Aug 2 1955.)
036 22 Apr 1955 Tintinara SA CE1 0745hrs Moyle
Upon glancing to his right whilst driving a car, a man was surprised to see a 3m diameter silvery sphere, surrounded by a flange, giving it an overall diameter of 10m. The object crossed the road some 3m behind the car. It then turned and moved roughly parallel to the road, and he followed it for some 20-25km before it climbed rapidly into the sky. There were no external markings or portholes visible. (UFO Research South Australia (UFORSA). "Australian Saucer Record" 1/2/8.( ASR).)
042 13 Mar 1959 Purnong Landing SA CE1 0210hrs Towill/Briggs
Two men in a truck crested a hill and came upon a "dome" illuminated by coloured lights. They stopped the truck and watched the ten metre diameter object as it went through a regular sequence of colour changes. The lights all then went out and the men approached from their position of 100m distance. As they did so the object took off silently at a forty five degree angle and was lost to sight after twenty minutes, in the southern sky. Briggs recalled in an interview with this author on Dec 26 1972 that on the evening of March 13 1959 some nurses had seen a similar object near to Purnong Landing. (Personal investigation by author and Gary Little Dec 26 1972. ASR 5/2.)
043 31 Mar 1959 Port Elliott SA CE1 2330hrs Neale
Barry Neale was driving home from Goolwa when he saw, on the ground about 100 metres off the road, a glowing reddish-orange object with a row of portholes. It illuminated the trees and was about 2m wide. He got to within 300m of it, and drove around a wooded area in time to see it take off at high speed. No radioactivity was found. (Adelaide "News" Apr 2 1959 p15. ASR 6/4/14.)
044 29 Apr 1959 Blackwood SA 1930hrs Photo
A spinning saucer shaped object with a row of steady lights was seen for about 2 1/2 minutes, before it rose vertically and disappeared from view. A 10 second time exposure was taken by a Mr Lightfoot. (UFOSH p 135).
053 28 Oct 1962 Salisbury SA CE3 1930hrs Sylvester
A school teacher and her children reported an orange glow on the ground at an estimated distance of 3-4km away from them. Despite this distance her son insisted he could see an oval shape with windows, legs and two "men". The teacher could not see only a glow. (1. Australian Flying Saucer Research Society. (AFSRS). 2. Australian Saucer Record. (ASR).) 6/1/13-14.)
056 18 May 1963 Beachport SA DD 0700hrs
A man, a carrier by occupation, was driving along a road when a soundless, red and blue, round to oval shape was seen directly above the vehicle. He watched it for about two minutes as it travelled from east to west. He noted that the sound from his radio cut out. (UFO Research South Australia. (UFORSA).)
057 19 May 1963 Mount Gambier SA CE1 2130hrs Bushbridge
A seventeen year old youth encountered an object on one side of the road on which he was driving. When his car was 6m away from it, a bright light came on the object and dazzled him. He pulled the car up, the object moved across the road, and he drove his vehicle under it. It was oval in shape, 5m wide and 3m high, with the lights on it being as bright as "the arc lights in electric welding." (AFSRS. "Queensland UFO" magazine. (QUFO) 1/2/6.)
058 28 Jun 1963 Sandy Creek SA CE1 2130hrs
Rounding a corner in his vehicle, a man came upon a blood-red coloured object extending across the roadway. He applied the brakes and was within 3m of it when it rose suddenly from the road. After rising 100m or so it turned on its side and sped off, streaming vapour. Described as 8m across and 4m high, with a concave top and a flat base, it glowed blood-red when close to the ground and appeared to change to a lightish-red yellow as it gathered speed and flew off. (AFSRS. QUFO 1/3/26)
063 19 Feb 1964 Gum Creek SA CE1 Player
A farmer's wife observed an unusual object approaching the house and hovering close by it. She saw a "man" standing at a "wooden railing" inside the object. It eventually departed into the sky. (Keith Basterfield, John Burford, Peter Horne, Garry Little, Paul Johnson and Tony Rundle.)
064 29 Feb 1964 Plympton SA 1400hrs Mathlin/Jensen
A young boy reportedly saw a large oval saucer descending into a paddock, in a busy suburb in broad daylight. A tall figure emerged from it and walked around for a while before re-entering the object. The object took off, observed by the initial witness and another boy. (1. AFSRS. 2. FSR 16/4/32. 3. Personal investigation Keith Basterfield.)
065 5 Jun 1964 Woomera SA Photo
This photograph was taken at the launching of a Blue Streak rocket, and shows an oval blob of light near the rocket. A black and white print in the saucer was apparently from a colour movie. (FSR Sep/Oct 1964 p 4.)
068 17 Mar 1965 Margaret Brock Lighthouse SA 2200hrs
Several photographs were said to have been taken of an unusual oval shaped blob, by an assistant steward on the BHP ore freighter, "Iron Duke." However, a personal investigation revealed that at the time nothing unusual was visually seen. The object in the photos only came out on the prints. It appears to be nothing more than a lens reflection of the Moon, which is the brighter object shown in each photo. ("Newcastle Morning Herald and Miners Advocate" 23/3/65. Personal interview with the radio operator on board at the time. AFS Digest Apr/Jun 65. Aust FSR Vol 8 Jun 65 p2(pics). AFS Review No 9 UFOIC inside back cover (pic)).
072 13 Jun 1965 Modbury SA Photo Helyard
A Mr and Mrs Helyard reported seeing a dark disc, metallic coloured which hovered and circled for 15 minutes at an estimated 1000m up. Their one photo shows a nebulous, elliptical shaped, object against what appear to be points of light, together with what looks like clouds. It is hard to understand quite what the picture shows, as it looks far more like an unusual cloud than a defined metallic object. (AFS Review UFOIC No 9 Nov 1966.)
083 27 Feb 1966 Keith SA CE1 2200hrs Kirny
Hovering several metres above a road, a saucer shape inverted over another saucer shape, was observed for a while, before it left at great speed. The witness stopped and noted a smell like ozone. The object was described as 5m in diameter and as having six bluish lights on one side. (UFORSA files)
094 Late 1966 Eyre Peninsula SA ? (?)
An Adelaide resident and partner, driving in a remote area came across a group of circles on a flat stretch of earth. There were 8 in total, all identical in shape and size. Some overlapped. Said to be 6m in diameter, perfectly round. It appeared 2 had been burnt into the earth. (UFOSH p146.)
095 1967 Alberton SA Photo
A movie film was shot of a light in the sky. Upon developing and playing it some frames were sent to the US for enlargement. These enlargements were said to show an object with an illuminated window. In this window a shape moved across. (1. Keith Basterfield. 2. Reneke, D. (1981). UFORAN 2(4):10-15.)
097 30 Mar 1967 Peterborough SA CE2 2030hrs Smith
Two men were in a vehicle when the engine and lights stopped/went off. They got out to investigate when they noticed a disc rapidly ascending at thirty degrees south-west. It was emitting blue to purple glows and flashes from underneath it. It was lost to view in the night sky. Upon returning to their car they found it started normally. An hour later a stationary purple glow was observed in a creek bed, followed another hour later by a 6m diameter disc which was seen to take off from the ground. (AFSR(NSW). No 10. p31. UFORSA.)
099 Sep 1967 Clare SA CE1 1800hrs Collins
A really bright light was observed at a height of 1m some 40-60m distance, by a Mrs Collins. She ran to get her husband, but on coming back, the object lifted off the ground vertically, then shot off very fast over hills. It had appeared only as a white oval shape. (UFORFNQ. UFORSA)
104 1967/68 Clare SA CE3
A story circulated about a disc landing and a hairy dwarf being seen to jump out and disappear into the ground. (Keith Basterfield.)
117 7 Sep 1968 Hove SA Day Photo
A black and white picture was taken and shows a "coat hanger" shaped, small angular sized, black "saucer". Taken by a student who later admitted it was a hoax. (UFORSA.)
118 18 Nov 1968 Hill River SA CE1/FSA (Near Clare SA)
Two children watched a 60cm long by 25cm thick football shaped light, golden in colour pass within 50m of them and appear to land in a paddock. A spot was later found flattened in a 1.5m oval. It was "tangled in a corkscrew fashion as if a giant top had been spinning on the spot." (Personal investigation Keith Basterfield. "Pix-People"1(4), 1972.)
123 14 Jan 1969 Brooklyn Park SA SL (34:56, 138:36)
A man found a 5m partial diamond shaped marking on his lawn after rain. The marking consisted of an oily substance which later turned to a powder. Believed to be slime mould. (UFORSA files).
125 27 Jan 1969 Wasleys SA DR (34:28, 138:41)
Two days after hearing unusual footsteps walking around a concrete path on his farm and after 7.5cm of rain fell, a man found a 5.9m (inside) diameter ring with a 30cm bare band of soil on its perimeter. Suspected fungus ring. (UFORSA.)
127 Feb 1969 Elizabeth Park SA SL (34:56, 138:36)
Patches of a black, oily substance were found on a lawn in the early morning. Later it had changed to a light grey crystallised material. Suspect slime mould. (UFORSA.)
128 5 Feb 1969 Parkholme SA SL (34:56, 138:36)
A deposit was noticed on a lawn which appeared like ash from a fire. On the 9th the colour was a bluish grey and when the grass was shaken a "black dust" was dislodged profusely. The following day the deposit had turned to a yellowish jelly. However by the 11th it had returned to its original state. (UFORSA.)
129 10 Feb 1969 Parkholme SA SL (34:56, 138:36)
A nearly complete doughnut shaped circle of a substance was noted on a lawn about 6.45 a.m. The deposit was 10-13cm wide and about 3-3.6m in diameter. (Personal investigation Keith Basterfield.)
130 17 Feb 1969 Flinders Park SA CE3 0250hrs Ballestrina
A noise which sounded like a "whirr" woke up a woman, who then looked out of a window to see an unusual object in an adjacent area. It appeared about 100m away, and was some 10m across. A "man" emerged from the shadows and walked around the object. This figure was about 1.8m tall, lean, had light coloured hair and wore white overalls. He walked around the object several times before the woman ran to get neighbours. When they all returned the object had gone. (AFSRS. UFORSA.)
137 22 Feb 1969 Renown Park SA CE1 0300hrs Daniel
A woman was awoken by what she took to be a strong gust of wind, but saw that her curtains were not moving. A pyramid shape, 60m away, and 6m in diameter, dirty white in colour, was seen hovering close to the ground. Her daughter also saw it. They became frightened and went back to bed. (AFSRS. UFORSA.)
140 10 Mar 1969 Christies Beach SA ? (34:56, 138:36)
During the night a housewife was awoken by a loud bang. A marking was later found which consisted of three 22cm diameter circles, spaced in an equilateral triangle, of sides 12.67m in length. (UFORSA.)
148 May 1969 Alberton SA Photo
A Mr E Matthew took some movie footage of a light in the sky. When the film was returned he noted an unusual object instead of the light. This image was enlarged by micro-photography and it has been said that it shows an elliptical object with apparent "window" and "entity." ("Pix-People" magazine 1/12/71 (pics). UFO Research Australia Newsletter 2/4.)
152 Jun 1969 Devon Park SA Photo Early morning
A butcher took four black and white photos of a "mass of spinning lights" close to his house. The shots are clear and seem to show a solid disc shape. However, although a copy of all four shots are held on file the negatives appear to have been mislaid by the photographer. Blowups of these shots show light and shade although there has been some criticism of the shots, they remain of an unidentified nature. (UFORSA.)
155 4 Jun 1969 Eden Valley SA NL 1835hrs
Mr G. Koch, 16, was driving along the Angaston road when about 2km north-west of Eden Valley an object passed soundlessly over the top of his car. It was described as a series of red lights in two parallel lines connected by pure white horizontal rays. The following day he reported finding three circular scorch marks on the bonnet of his car which had not been there before. (AFSRS.)
158 3 Nov 1969 Windsor SA CE2/? (34:25, 138:20)
3 children reported seeing a 2m long "egg" with a tail and 4 legs flying around in circles which apparently landed on a back road. A diamond shaped trace was found. There were 3 circular holes, 2.5cm apart in the centre. At one end of the diamond was a small diamond shaped area not dug out (the rest of the trace was 2.5cm deep). There was a line 7.5cm long which curved away from this end of the diamond. There were 3 of thee shapes, one smaller than the others. (AFSRS Mag Dec 1969.)
159 7 Dec 1969 Windsor SA DD/FA (34:25, 138:20)
After a reported observation of an unusual object, an area of grass was found flattened in a 10m circle. The object was said to be hovering 1m off the ground and some 50m away. (AFSRS Mag Dec 1969.)
167 29 Oct 1970 Hill River SA CE1 0100hrs Pink
A young boy noticed a cigar shape on the ground 150m away from the house. It was white, had four legs and seemed to be transparent in the middle. (Keith Basterfield.)
179 8 Aug 1971 Kadina SA CE1 1835hrs Boyce
A Mr Boyce, fifty one, left Wallaroo and was driving back to Kadina, alone in his car. About 5km out of town his surroundings were illuminated by an orange hue. Suddenly the engine stopped and the lights went out. The ignition light on the dashboard failed to come on, and despite efforts the engine could not be restarted. He steered the car to the side of the road and braked to a halt. Getting out he saw, at 50m altitude, an oval shape with three to four "windows". It was stationary, almost directly above the car. It remained motionless for two to three minutes with a continuous buzzing sound being audible. It then left to the south-east. Before it was completely out of sight, he got in the car and started the engine, with the lights then coming on. (Keith Basterfield.)
180 14 Dec 1971 Waikerie SA CE3
Two young men saw an animate object of humanoid appearance floating through trees in a sort of mist, only some twenty metres away. It had a dog-like head, pointy ears and a long nose. It was some 2m tall with a lumpy body. The men moved to another point where they saw a large object, the size of a truck, resting on the ground. It was shaped like a half sphere and had windows. The object just dissolved away. (John Burford.)
182 1972 Largs Bay SA CE4
"Carol", a twenty seven year old, housewife, reported a lifelong series of experiences which commenced with a CE1 when she was aged six. This was followed by other UFO experiences, poltergeist activity, telepathy, precognitive dreams, an out-of-body experience, lucid dreams, hypnagogic imagery and sleep paralysis episodes, amongst other things.
Of particular interest was a recurrent nightmare of encounters with a strange dwarf in an unusual room. Memories of some of these events were triggered after watching an "Unsolved mysteries" segment on abductions on television. Under regression, recollection eventuated of one apparent abduction at age nine. One night in 1972 she was getting ready for bed when she saw an entity outside her bedroom window. 1.2-1.5m tall , it had a big head, a pointed chin, huge yellow eyes, a skinny little white coloured body which glowed , no nose or mouth, and no ears. She was then somehow floated up to a light in the sky which became a UFO. She has no recall of actually entering it, but next became aware of being in a room on a table. lying on her back. There were a number of entities in this room, with one particular one leaning over her. She could only see its head as it was very close by. It had a big head, with a pointed chin, and dark black, almond shaped eyes and a yellow coloured body. She felt these beings were "doctors." A black "match" was applied to her leg above her right knee. The closest being told her telepathically that: "It's all right. Won't be long. Won't hurt." The shape in the ceiling, and the shapes behind the orange glow faded, and her next recollection was of being in her own bed.
Partial recollections of a second possible abduction at age fifteen, ran into a memory block. A friend of hers participated in some of the experience which involved a light illuminating a cabin they were occupying. Regression of this second woman confirmed parts of Carol's story but not the abduction.
The above material emerged at a time when the woman was undergoing therapy for being an adult survivor of childhood sexual abuse. (UFORA89036. UFO Research SA/Keith Basterfield.)
185 31 May 1972 Mannum SA CE1 0635hrs Reeve
A factory manager driving in fog came across a dark oval shape with a red light on one side and a white one on the other, just hanging above the ground. He stopped his car fearing a collision, and the object rose into the fog with a "swish" and was lost to view. (Keith Basterfield.)
188 Jul 1972 Clare SA DR (33:50, 138:37
) 3 rings were found on a farm. They were 25-30cm wide bands of dead grass forming 1.2-1.5 diameter circles. The circles subsequently developed lush growth and they seemed to have been fungus caused. (UFORSA.)
194 3 Aug 1972 Pinnaroo SA CE1 0445hrs Venning
Mrs Venning, while travelling by car on her way to catch a bus, saw to her left in a paddock an object looking like a grey-white oval with lights on both sides. It seemed 30m off the ground and was soundless. She drove past it without stopping but said her hair stood on end during the observation. (Keith Basterfield.)
200 7 Oct 72 Seaview Downs SA SL (34:56, 138:36)
3 rings of lush growth appeared on a lawn overnight. The largest was about 2m in diameter. Examination revealed hundreds of little black spots on the grass. Slime mould. (UFORSA.)
202 30 Nov 1972 Murray Bridge SA CE2 2315hrs Maxwell
Motor mechanic Mr Maxwell was out testing his vehicle when upon coming over a rise in the road, the motor and lights of his car cut out. They came back on but rose and fell in intensity several times. He decided to stop the engine and the car came to a halt.
To his left he saw a "diamond shape with the top cut off" noiselessly sitting on the ground 45m away in a paddock. His car radio went "funny", making a noise like a "computer on TV", a constant rhythm. As soon as he stopped the car he had tried the ignition key but when he turned it nothing happened, not even the oil light came on. He then tried the wipers and the electric air horn but they didn't work either. He locked all the doors and wound up the windows and just sat there for the next forty five minutes.
After this time, the object left and he found he could restart the car quite alright. An inspection of the vehicle next day revealed no cause for the electrical problems. (Keith Basterfield.)
204 1973 Port Pirie SA DR (33:12, 138:00)
Several doughnut shaped rings of varying sizes were found on the banks of a river. They were bare earth/dead grass circles of about an over all 2m diameter, with a 1.3m diameter centre. Diagnosed as fungus. (UFORSA.)
210 4 Feb 1973 Kimba SA CE3 2150hrs Hunt/ Finkler
Four people, in three separate vehicles, reported seeing an orange object in a clearing on a deserted stretch of country road. A young couple said they saw a 3m high by 2m wide rectangular shape. One of them said they saw a 2m tall "man" in a white space-suit floating in the middle of the rectangular shape. The other saw an orange rectangle with a white blob on top of it. Later, a semi-trailer driver reported to police that as he passed a clearing he noted what looked like an open doorway and a figure. The police checked the clearing by going there within an hour, but found nothing to account for the observations. (1. Keith Basterfield, Peter Horne, Dean Piovesan, Ray Brooke. 2. "Whyalla News" Feb 16 1972.)
212 Mar 1973 Whyalla SA Photo
A movie film was taken by a Mr W Nankervis, who had been filming a glider, when he saw a brilliant object beaming rays from one end, to a mass of "boiling stuff" at the other end. The clip of film was 20 seconds long and was examined by Prof J Allen Hynek on his Australian visit. No analysis is known to this author. ("Advertiser" Adelaide 7/9/73.)
213 3 Mar 1973 Edwardstown SA CE2 0300hrs
A large orange domed object 3m high with a dark patch in the centre was seen outside a bedroom window, accompanied by a noise like a thump and cans banging. Triangular markings were reportedly found on a lawn the next morning. (UFORSA.)
215 Apr 1973 Eudunda SA DR (34;11, 139:05)
Several rings, varying from 0.6-5.4m in diameter with a 10cm wide band of dead grass, were found in an area 16 by 32m. (UFORSA.)
219 May 1973 Port Pirie SA DR (33:12, 138:00)
Eight rings-fungal in origin-were located by the River Broughton. (UFORSA.)
220 May 1973 Clare SA DR (33:50, 138:37)
A fungus ring, 6.3m in diameter, and almost circular, was discovered. The rim width was 1m. Scattered around were 4 large mushrooms-12-20cm in size. (Peter Horne.)
222 2 May 1973 Kalyan SA CE2 1930hrs Zadow
Noting a bright light at an estimated five to ten degrees above the north-north-east horizon, through his left hand side windscreen, Mr Zadow was puzzled. Its angular size was about the size of the full Moon, and it was reddish/white in colour. No illumination of the surroundings was noted although the light was dazzling to look at. Driving at 55km/hr along a straight dirt road he watched the light. There was no change in size or brightness yet he had the feeling the object flew over the truck, as it rose in elevation as viewed against the windscreen. The truck's engine stopped and the lights went out leaving him rolling in darkness. Neither the red ignition light nor the green oil light came on. He instinctively braked slowly and after four to five seconds whilst the truck was still rolling, the lights and engine came back on by themselves. The outside light was not visible by this time. Investigation revealed that the light probably did not go over his truck but was at least 300m away, parallel to the road. (UFORSA.)
223 18 May 1973 Sherlock SA CE2 2130hrs
Three young people travelling back to VIC recounted that a light had been following their car. They stopped the car to watch it. It hovered over trees, pulsating. The driver turned the ignition key but no lights showed and the engine wouldn't start until after a few attempts. Investigations reveal a likely cause was a combination of headlights/stars/imagination and a temporary electrical fault. (UFORSA.)
232 Sep 1973 Ivy Tanks SA CE3 0300hrs Ringer
A thirty two year old woman was a passenger in a semi-trailer travelling across to Perth. She had been asleep for about an hour when a "voice" called her name and told her to look out the window. She did so and saw an egg shaped surrounded by a "force field" on the ground. The figure of a man was walking towards the egg, while another man was sitting inside the object. The first man entered the egg, the glow died down, leaving only one white light on. The driver pulled up the truck but when asked, said he had seen nothing. They did not go back to check the spot. (Keith Basterfield & Vladimir Godic.)
233 28 Oct 1973 Karoonda SA 2330hrs Photo
A photograph was taken of a stationary intense orange object in the sky, using an instamatic camera. Investigations into similar reports of an orange object in the sky showed the causes of these were the planet Mars and flares. It is believed that the print came out black. (UFORSA.)
234 Dec 1973 Wokurna SA FSA (33:43, 138:03)
A 2.4m diameter bare earth circle was found in the middle of a wheat field. Wheat had been swirled anti-clockwise. Soil analysis revealed no cause. (UFORSA.)
235 Dec 1973 Bordertown SA FSA (36:18, 140:46)
Seven circular shaped, flattened swirled areas were found in an oat paddock. They ranged from 2.1-4.6m across and were of different ages. Oats had been swirled anti-clockwise. The police forensic squad were unable to explain the marks. (UFORSA.)
239 1973/74 Kangaroo Island SA Photo Afternoon
Rita H was taking photos when a light source appeared through the viewfinder. She had the impression of a close approach, she fell to the ground and the sky changed causing her extensive disorientation. Two photos were taken with a special camera and a very high ASA rated film. Prints have a light green coloured, elliptical shaped mass present on them. Woman subsequntly developed lupus but this might be unrelated. (UFOIC.)
240 1974 Clifton Bore SA CE4
"A man hunting for fossils in flat desert country was suddenly approached by two short beings who beckoned him to come with them. He was taken into an externally small object, which was impossibly much larger inside. Twenty or more similar beings were also inside. He was offered a drink, then passed out. He awoke and found himself on the floor of the object. He saw two human female children in a cage-like structure who seemed to be in a trance. The man felt he had somehow been rejected by the beings. A doorway suddenly opened in front of him. He stepped out and found himself back on the desert floor. He rejoined a companion and found he had been away for one and a half hours." (1. Chalker, Bill. (1989). "Abducted?" Australian Penthouse. Nov. p37. 2.Australian Flying Saucer Research Society.)
242 1974 Elizabeth SA CE4
A woman recalled, that as a nine year old girl, she and a friend observed a UFO at close range in suburban Elizabeth. As she had memories of observing the object from two different angles of view, but no recollections of moving between the two locations, she suspected a period of missing time may have occurred.
Regressed to the day of the incident, she felt her head buzzing, then she recalled being in a room of some kind, and of seeing a a face on a small pointed head, with pointed ears. In addition she recalled someone walking towards her- a silver glow around its body. A thick metal "skewer" featured which she said was: "to take out fluid." Nothing further could be elucidated. (UFORA89037. UFORSA/Keith Basterfield.)
250 16 Mar 1974 Adelaide SA Photo 0630hrs
It is reported that a man had taken some colour movie film from the Hilton motel, of an unusual object in the early hours of the morning. Efforts made were not able to trace either the man or the film. (UFORSA.)
251 17 Mar 1974 Burra SA CE2 0030hrs
While travelling in a Ford Falcon sedan two young men observed a big round, yellow/green light stationary near the top of a hill. They stopped the car to watch. After a minute or so it seemed to come towards them so they tried to start the car, but it would not respond. Again they tried the ignition system. The ignition light came on but the engine still wouldn't start. Finally after holding the key on for thirty seconds the engine started. They left the area but stated that the light seemed to follow them all the way into Burra. They woke a policeman who looked at the object and declared it was just a star. Investigation suggests the object was an astronomical source. (UFORSA.)
252 1 Apr 1974 Pasadena SA ? (34:56, 138:36)
A ring was reported and identified as a fungus. (UFORSA.)
253 15 Apr 1974 Roseworthy SA Photo 2015hrs
A series of lights was seen in the sky near the crest of a hill. The photographer stopped the car he was driving and took a photo using a Polaroid camera. He says that he thought there were only two bright lights but the print shows three. He and his wife watched them for about half a minute but they did not move or make any sound. The print shows three blobs of light. (Adelaide "Advertiser" 17/4/74.)
254 15 Apr 1974 Woodside SA CE2 1730hrs
Six people in two cars were travelling back to Adelaide. Someone in the second vehicle said they saw an object so both cars pulled up. One of the others said the vehicle suffered a temporary power loss as the object went over the car. Investigations revealed the entire episode was overplayed by the media. (UFORSA.)
255 May 1974 Strathalbyn SA LITS/? (35:16, 138:54
) Two green lights were seen in a paddock and later a marking was found. It was a bare patch 2.65m diameter with a depression in the centre 20-22cm deep and 60cm diameter. (UFORSA.)
263 Sep 1974 Renmark SA CE2 2215hrs
Returning home in a Hillman Hunter sedan, by herself, a lady became aware of an illumination behind the car. It was a white light which approached at great speed, and as it seemed to be wanting to overtake her she moved over to the left. She saw the light to her right, then the car vibrated as if being pushed up and down. She just held on tightly to the steering wheel, and recalls the engine must have stopped at this point for although she pressed the accelerator no power was forthcoming. The light simply vanished. She was by this time, terrified, and cannot recall any other part of her trip home. (Keith Basterfield.)
276 4 Feb 1975 Balaklava SA Photo 0540hrs
A movie film, showing an unusual object in the eastern sky, was taken by a Mr Ben Hall. A silver cloud-like object was noted and Mr Hall decided to take some colour 8mm movie film of it. They watched it altogether for a period of some 25 minutes of which 1 1/2/ minutes was captured on film. The film shows a "condensation" trail type object moving very, very slowly, close to the horizon. (UFORSA.)
279 6 Mar 1975 Near Mount Gambier SA NL
The flight engineer of a commercial jet flying between Melbourne and Perth sighted a falling green object slightly ahead and to the right of the plane. It looked like a falling flare. Another aircraft five minutes ahead also reported the same object. The same thing was seen by the crew of a Fokker F27 near Ardrossan, several hundred kilometres away. Investigations revealed they had sighted Cosmos 582 re-entering the atmosphere. (UFO Research South Australia.)
296 8 Dec 1975 Tranmere SA FSA (34:56, 138:00)
After hearing a noise during the night a woman and her daughter found two areas of strawberry plants, flattened in an anti-clockwise direction, some 0.9m in diameter. (UFORSA.)
312 31 May 1976 Daw Park SA CE3 0200hrs White
A silver suited being, 165-175cm tall, with a black visor, white boots and a box with a figure eight on its chest, was reportedly seen in a back yard. When the single reporter approached the entity it flew off and entered a cigar shaped object which had been sitting in the sky. Some traces were said to have been found. However, when investigators arrived there were no traces visible. (UFORSA.)
314 15 Jul 1976 Walker's Flat SA NL 2115hrs
A red object, the size of the Sun was seen and the lights of a car were affected for about a minute. The object then accelerated rapidly away. (UFORSA.)
328 1977-1989 Adelaide SA CE4
A thirty four year old woman related at least three unusual episodes. The occasions of interest to us involve finding herself in an alien environment which were the second and third of her three experiences. One night she suddenly found herself recalling that she had somehow been in a very large room where there were a large number of human-like beings, including a human child about age ten. The room showed no apparent source of illumination. It was warmly lit-a very light soft blue colour. Breathing was no problem, gravity was normal and the temperature was skin temperature. She can recall conversing with the child. On the following occasion she had retired to bed when she found herself drifting through tunnels. Suddenly, she was in a room. This time the people present were not human. They had pointed faces, large heads, and slanted very dark blue eyes. Their heads were quite swollen at the forehead, with their ears being little, with no lobes as such. They had thin bodies, were grey in colour and short in stature. One of the female aliens was carrying a baby. The baby had its arms outstretched and the witness asked to hold and nurse it. Suddenly, she knew she had to go and found herself back in bed. She quickly fell asleep. In her teens she underwent precognitive dreams, and later in life (continuing) precognitive visions. (UFORA89016. Ray Brooke and Keith Basterfield-personal investigation.)
332 Mar 1977 Port Neill SA BEC (34:07, 136:21)
A 4.3m diameter doughnut ring was discovered on a farm property. Its centre was undisturbed and it had a circular hollow trough with a hard rim. Soil tests showed no cause. ("Adelaide Advertiser" 12/3/77.)
334 22 Apr 1977 Adelaide SA CE2 2345hrs
A woman was returning home when suddenly she saw a bright light ahead of the car. It became bigger and brighter as if approaching. The headlights of the car and the radio went off, then the two red ignition and oil lights came on indicating the motor had stalled. After a few seconds all systems came back on. A magnetic signature check revealed nothing of significance. (UFORSA.)
336 2 May 1977 Cal Lal SA CE1 2000hrs Hartley
Out camping, a man saw a blue trapezoid shape, 10m away. It was 2m tall by 75cm wide at the top tapering to 45cm wide at the bottom. Stationary when he saw it, he looked away and upon looking back it had simply vanished. (UFORSA. ACOSB. No 11. p21.)
337 20 May 1977 Murbko SA CE1 0630hrs Schultz
A young nurse saw a red glowing ball of light, 5-10m in diameter sitting in a paddock only a few metres from her car. The ball rose into the air and was soundlessly lost to sight. (UFORSA. ACOSB. No 11. p21.)
342 30 Jul 1977 Birdwood SA CE1 1545hrs
A large, 200m long, pink object shaped like a "jumbo jet" was reported to have landed in a paddock beneath some powerlines, then took off vertically with no sound. No traces were found and soil analyses revealed nothing unusual. (UFORSA.)
356 30 Dec 1977 Keith SA CE2 0130hrs
The driver of a car saw a "shooting star" to the east, then a white circular light pacing the vehicle at 100 km/hr. He decided to stop for a look so put the car out of gear and slowly applied the brake. When the car reached a speed of 8-15km/hr the driver experienced difficulty which he described as mistiming, choke out, spark plug misfiring, although the ignition and oil lights did not come on. There was no effect on the radio. The light disappeared behind trees and there was no more trouble with the car. (UFORSA.)
363 Feb 1978 Klemzig SA SL (34:56, 138:36)
A lady reported finding a deposit on her lawn. Samples were taken and it was identified as slime mould. (K Basterfield.)
367 5 Mar 1978 Leigh Creek SA CE1 0210hrs Balogh
Seemingly only 50-70m in front of his truck, a driver reported following a 1m diameter, blue/green ball. (UFORSA Newsletter 30. p1.)
368 Apr 1978 Adelaide SA SL (34:56, 138:36)
A perfect circle 6m in diameter, with a narrow band, was located on a grass lawn. It appeared to be slime mould. ("Adelaide Sunday Mail" 23/4/78.)
369 3 May 1978 Port Augusta SA NL
A light aircraft pilot heard over his radio that another aircraft had sighted a bright light which had also apparently been picked up on the aircraft's radar. No direct confirmation of the event could be made. (UFORSA.)
370 9 Aug 1978 Wandearah West SA CE2 2235hrs
Returning home, a mother and daughter, watched as a very bright light came towards them. Bright red, it had three black spots along the bottom of it. The car lost power to near stopping point, twice, even though the woman flattened the accelerator to the floor. She turned onto another road and the car gathered speed, while the light left to the north-west. (UFORSA.)
373 31 Dec 1978 Whyalla SA NL
A pilot with 32 years experience was flying a Cessna 310. He was over Alford at 2500m heading north-west when he sighted an oblong, white light to the east-north-east. He turned into the circuit at Whyalla to land and was also able to continue observing the object. (UFORFNQ and UFORSA.)
375 1979 Nildottie SA CE4
Don and Jack recounted an abduction experience, which is said to have occurred near the River Murray. They were preparing for dinner when beings entered their house. They experienced a time loss and next thing they knew they were standing by a large silver craft. After being subjected to psychological testing for several hours, they became aware of being back at their kitchen table. (AIUFOFSR. "Pix-People" magazine. July 1988.)
387 1980-1989 Adelaide SA CE4
"Barbara", a young woman, wanted assistance in determining the origin of three relatively large triangular marks on her forehead which had simply appeared over night some two years prior. Over a ten year period Barbara saw UFOs, had a near death out-of-body experience, and a peak experience. She also experienced telepathy, precognitive visions, sleep paralysis, hypnagogic imagery, and other psychic style episodes. As to the marks on the forehead, she did have recollections of "something" touching her forehead during one night, following which the marks were seen the next day. Under regression she recounted how a "shadow" was in her room and shone a laser-like beam of light onto her forehead, thus creating the marks. (UFORA90038. UFORSA/Keith Basterfield.)
391 13 Apr 1980 South Kilkerran SA CE2 2350hrs
Out of the corner of his eye a man sighted a row of flashing lights, yellow in colour, and apparently pacing his car. He attempted to accelerate but the engine "cut out" for a second. This occurred three to four times in fifteen to twenty seconds. Then all of a sudden the car acted normally and he was able to drive on. The lights seemed to move off very quickly from his right to behind him. (UFORSA.)
394 22 Jul 1980 Reynella SA Photo 1620hrs
A moving object was photographed by a woman during daylight hours. Three colour shots were taken with an Instamatic camera, and show merely a small dot which could not be identified. (UFORSA.)
402 24 Oct 1981 Port Lincoln SA CE4
Two young men, Messrs P. and J. were travelling in a car near Port Lincoln when they encountered a "white endless space" or room where a time loss of several hours is said to have occurred. During this lost time they have vague memories of a "being" and recalled "...walking into a big room." Just prior to the "space" they had been watching a mysterious light in the sky. Arrangements to have the two men undergo full investigation was unsuccessful. The being was described as 120cm tall, and humanoid. (1. Keith Basterfield/Pony Godic-personal investigation. 2. Basterfield, K. "Australia's First Abduction Event?" UFORAN 3(4):4.)
425 Ca 1988 Adelaide SA CE4
A married woman. "Jan", went to bed one night and during the night had a very vivid experience which she believes was not a dream. She found herself in this white space. Present were three entities. They were some 210cm tall, and covered in "gowns". She wasn't frightened as the beings emitted a beautiful feeling. She had a discussion with them. When she woke the next morning she had a vivid recall of the events of the night apart from the content of the conversation. Personality changes ensued subsequent to that night. Since then she has reported episodes of sleep paralysis and other unusual activity. (UFORA91037. Keith Basterfield.)
426 Ca 1988 Mid North SA CE4
Over a number of years a woman has experienced interactions with aliens. All of these have taken place in her bedroom on the interface of sleep and wakefulness. Some of the episodes have involved sexual contact. (UFORA91038. Keith Basterfield.)
427 1988 Adelaide SA CE4
A man reports that he became aware of a presence in his bedroom. He was overwhelmed with fatigue and fell asleep. His next memory was of being pushed down a long, shiny, metal corridor on a "bed" of some kind. He then entered a brightly lit, sterile room. He was placed on an "operating table" which was so brilliantly lit he couldn't see surrounding things clearly. He came to in his own bed a couple of hours later. Next morning he reports paralysis of one arm. Reportedly medical examination, including x-rays were not able to determine a cause for this. He further relates being abducted the next evening, but has almost no memories of this. Next morning his arm was healed but he couldn't move one leg.
The most recent experience occurred on 24th Oct 1988, when he woke to see a group of short human-like beings at the foot of his bed. Three or four stood back while one approached. He described this one as 3 feet in height, with a large head and big eyes, looking like a white glowing light. (Bell, N. R. "Encounters of the 'Fourth Kind'." The Golden Age. (An Adelaide New Age magazine.) Feb 1989. pp10-11 & 21.)
428 1988(?) Adelaide SA CE4
A man reported that he was in two way communication with aliens via an implant in his ear. During an investigation it was revealed that he had undergone two apparent out-of-body experiences where he was "sucked out" of his body. He indicated that during these episodes he had been taken onboard a UFO. His account was set in the context of on-going communication with the Ashtar Command via automatic writing. (UFORSA.)
432 25 Jul 1988 Jamestown SA Depression/footprints (33;12, 138:36)
Bronte Lloyd, a farmer, and his son in law sighted a red light. Later that same evening, Bronte, now alone, saw an object sitting near the ground and he approached it to within 6m. It was metallic, 3.6m wide, and 2.1m high, with a circular upper body tapering to a square base. It rested on a couple of support legs. Two prominent ribs ran around the outside of it. There appeared to be portholes at regular intervals and 3 "headlights."
Lloyd retreated inside, and a possible CE3 event followed. The police were called to investigate. A square shaped depression, apparently formed through weight, was found. There were also "footprints" found in wet grass. Biochemist Tom Coote took some "blind" samples from Lloyd, and some electrolyte level (salt levels) anomalies were found. (Tom Coote interview Feb 1991. Lloyd also appeared on the Couchman show Sep 1991.)
435 Mar 1989 Flinders ranges SA DR (?)
A 7m diameter, doughnut shaped ring was located behind a hill where a woman reported a bright light descended. Investigations revealed the light to be Venus and the marking, complete with mushrooms, appears to have been a fungus ring. (UFORSA.)
440 Jul 1989 Adelaide SA CE4
A man was lying in bed trying to get to sleep when a low pitched humming noise was heard. His wife, lying alongside him, apparently asleep, said he was not to worry, do as they say. He couldn't work out what she meant, and suddenly found himself paralysed. Next he found himself floating along the hall passageway into the lounge. Entering the lounge he saw his son in the arms of a strange being. 175cm tall, it was of a greenish/white colour. It appeared human-like.
Next he recalls lying down in a room. In this room was a non human being. He described it as having an oval shaped head, big black eyes, the shape of eggs. There was no nose, just 2 holes, and a small slit of a mouth. Then he was floated back and went to sleep in his own bed.
Next morning both he and his wife felt very strange. She can recall talking in her sleep, but not the words she used. She says she felt a presence during the night but was not afraid. She has a memory of being on a table with some people looking at her. She felt she had been investigated, then drifted back to her bed. Hypnotic regression of both witnesses confirmed the above details. (UFORA91098-Keith Basterfield and Peter Jones.)
441 10 Jul 1989 Clare SA CE1 0540hrs Langman
A 1m diameter yellow/white ball was seen hovering stationary over a sofa in the lounge, by people in bed. Simultaneously, they noted their feet were "glowing" like an x-ray. The light and glow disappeared and they fell back to sleep. (Keith Basterfield. UFORA89012.)
443 2 Nov 1989 Eden Valley SA CE$
A thirty five year old female nurse tells of events including rattling doorknobs, and a sense of presence. There is also an account of levitation. Entities came in to touch her. They had eyes with no pupils. She felt disoriented. (AIUFOFSR.)
449 28 Mar 1990 Ferrenden Park SA Photo Night
While replaying a video tape of a laser display a man noted an unusual bright light on the film, which he had not noticed when filming. Investigation by Ray Brooke determined that the most probable cause was that he had filmed a street light. (Ray Brooke.)
453 28 Oct 1990 Jamestown SA FSA HOAX (33:12, 138:36)
Property owners confirm they found a 10m diameter circle surrounded by a ring, making it 16m across in a wheat paddock. The wheat was green and in undulating countryside. It had ill defined edges and was then revealed to be a hoax. (UFORSA.)
476 Dec 1994 Northfield, Adelaide, SA CE2?
A 15.3m diameter, flattened, swirled crop circle was detected in a wheat paddock in suburban Adelaide. The stalks were flattened anti-clockwise and there were side-bars to the formation. Suggestions are that it was a hoax. (1. M & K Maros. 2. K. Basterfield personal investigation. 3. "Adelaide Advertiser" 15/12, 17/12, 22/12/94.)